Monday, February 2, 2009

New Exhibit: Homeless People

My friend and her Mother were recently evicted from their home (after living in it for over 15 years) because the financial strains of the economy today in combination with the loss of her Mother’s job and medical needs had finally taken its toll.

My friend and her Mother are currently rooming with her Mother’s friend, but all this made me think about homeless people; people who once lead ordinary lives when series’ of unfortunate events made them become homeless because they had no family or friends to turn to.

We pass them on the street and maybe we give them money or a bottle of water, maybe we think they’re lazy and we turn our nose away from them as if they’re beneath us, but do we ever stop and just talk to them as if they’re human?

News reporters keep count of homeless people, exhibit and report violence done to homeless people by people who are better off financially, and even report on communities and associations that support homelessness.

A report by WJLA recently stated that “a homeless man died after being attacked Friday [he] lay unconscious for nearly 20 minutes” before anyone called for help.

Another report by The Seattle Times stated that, “2,826 homeless people were counted in King County, an increase of about 2 percent over 2008.”

Somewhere in all that commotion we forget that we’re dealing with people (not animals) who are down and out on their luck. I feel that news casters can be particularly insensitive when it comes to speaking of the homeless.

I’m not saying that we should promote homelessness, I’m just asking that people re-approach their thought processes when it comes to people who must make do without all the luxuries that other people have.

No matter whom you are or what your situation is “you will never be any better or worse than anyone else, but no one will be as good as you.” –My Great Grandmother (Lauretta Kimble).


  1. I understand how you feel, I love to help the homeless and give them food and clothing just to know I made a difference.

    We don't see too many people today that are willing to give because they are all about self, but when self falls short I wonder who you would turn to then.

    Homeless people are only individuals who lost sight of their way, but someday they shall find their path.

  2. I do find it really sad when I see someone down on their luck, truely and completely. I think to myself how hard I have worked for everything I have. I comtemplate how I have managed to pay start building credit at the age of 17 so I could buy my first car at 19 and be able to receive a loan to do so. I am pround of myself because I have juggled being a full-time student(all of which I pay for by myself) and work 3 jobs in order to pay off an 11,000 dollar loan in two years and pay all my bills on time. I have purchased health insurence, car insurence, cell phone bill plans and paid out-of-pocket for my textbooks. I think how I have maintained all this by myself. Yeah, I feel bad for homeless people, baddered women with children, job-less people in an economy gone pludging. But, everyone determines their own fate, it's all in how you pick yourself up when your down. How hard are you willing to work?

  3. I agree with Malori. People change as long as they try. They don't have to settle down for homelessness. Sure they may be unlucky, but that is where it has to change. It takes a simple effort to try and become something more.

    It is a hard society of people thinking the world of themselves and treating those "below" as if they are freaks or animals. Instead, they can choose to help out. A simple donation can change someones life.

    Either way, it just starts with a little effort.

  4. As I was reading your blog it makes me feel bad about all the homeless people i see standing on the side of the road. It makes me want to help them. But I have to agree with Malori and Stephanie. People hold their fate in their hands. If they just try to make a difference, most of the time things will work at, but if you sit their and dont do anything to change their life then thats a different story.
    I feel bad for your friends family and i wish them the best of luckin trying to fix things in their life.
